We are constatly being asked for lists of AD Plants in operation and planned, so we have compiled an updated list of British Isles Anaerobic Digestion Plants which can be accessed through the following link:
British Anaerobic Digestion Plant List
For readers to assess the rate of uptake of AD technology we have retained a copy of a similar list for 2006 on the bottom of the page.
This shows that while there appears to be a gradually rising number of AD Plants on the list from operational plants to those under consideration with feasibility studies etc underway, the uptake of the technology is not rapid. (For example the 3 plants listed for England and Wales has now risen to 26.)
The total generated capacity remains tiny compared with other sources and even when compared with wind power.
We have no doubt that recent fuel price rises and the ensuing intensified interest in biogas digestion will result in many more plants being planned, and that we will see real starts on construction being achieved in a high percentage of new projects over the next few years.
As the PFI Waste Procurement process continues, more local authorities will reveal plans to produce biogas within their mix of facilities, and a number MBT plus Anaerobic Digestion facilities will also be seen.
Also, the effect of the anticipated improved rate of ROCS for electrical power from these plants has yet to work through in increased AD popularity.