19 June 2021

Digestate Separator Successfully Removes Plastic Packaging Waste from AD...

Digester Separator Removes Plastic

It removes bits of food waste packaging, and other unwanted materials from the food waste entering the digester, Until now, food waste derived compost has tended to contain so many flecks and chips of plastic that it has not only posed a danger to wildlife, It also looked really bad! Plastic bits and pieces in the fibrous compost from food waste digesters meant that in the past it was often no good at all. Now things are changing! Following an extensive trial at one of the largest waste processing plants in Europe, separators are now playing a crucial role in improving the quality of the digestate used for land fertilisation in accordance with PAS 110 regulations. RC 75 Separators from Borger were introduced, to see how they could deal with the significant challenges of hard-to-handle materials that come with food waste. For a full 12 months, the Separators were put through their paces; monitored for their whole life performance and durability in an application that makes tough demands on wearing parts. The result! 'They have enhanced the way that they filter out contaminants, separating solids 24/7 very effectively, reducing cost of any final product being sent to landfill.' David Brown, Managing Director of Borger UK 'Reduced costs'. David Brown, Managing Director of Borger UK Better for the environment.

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