21 September 2019

"Biogas Done Right" Part 2 - Concept and the 6 Innovative Features of BD...

Doing Biogas the Right Way is, First of All, to do it With Waste Biomass and Without Using Food Crop or in Any Way Reducing Food Availability

The following is the script of the above video: "Biogas Done Right" Part 2 - The Concept and the 6 Innovative Features of BDR

Figure 1 below shows the basic concept of Biogas Done Right (BDR).

First to mention is the "Biogas Done Right" concept assumes biogas upgrading to biomethane production is preferred above electrical output the power grid, wherever "biogas to grid" injection is permitted.

It follows essentially the idea of closing the carbon cycle.

In this discussion, on-farm biogas is given as an example, but the "Biogas Done Right" concept can equally be applied to non-agricultural feedstocks.

However, there are two differences to the classic digestion of agricultural residues, and these apply to (a), soil management and cropping, and (b) full use of the output of both the liquid phase as a crop fertiliser and the fibre for soil quality improvement.

The first major "Biogas Done Right" innovation is the integration of "multiple cropping".

In "multiple cropping" the primary crop (cash crop) serves for food or feed, while the secondary crop waste (foliage and stems etc) can be used for energy production together with other agricultural or agro-industrial byproducts.

The second difference in "Biogas Done Right", is the full recycling of the digestate as a natural fertilizer.

This significantly raises the degree of sustainable recycling above earlier AD plant strategies, by returning the essential mineral nutrients to the ground, while also recycling very stable carbon to the soil.

Additional crop management practices such as no-tillage or strip-tillage.

Thumbnail illustrates the principles of "Biogas Done Right".
And, the precision application of digestate (natural fertiliser), etc. can further enhance the positive environmental outcome, while also improving farm economics.

So, let us just very quickly recap on that, before ending this video.

Here's Figure 1, again to remind you of the basic concept of "Biogas Done Right" (BDR).

The BDR concept the following 6 features:

1 - Production of sustainable biomethane from animal manure, agricultural residues and agro-industrial by-products.

2 - Double cropping with a primary crop for food or feed and a secondary crop for energy production with crop rotation.

3 - Year-round covered soils avoiding soil erosion and nitrogen emission (air emission and leaching), enhancing soil structure and organic carbon content.

4 - A shift from deep-ploughing and chemical fertilisation to precision-farming with minimum tillage (strip tillage, or no-tillage) to conserve soil carbon and soil moisture.

5 - Regular use of digestate (pasteurised wherever necessary) as natural renewable organic fertiliser, increasing soil fertility and soil carbon content (with minimised input of chemical fertilisers).

Now, comes the final BDR feature

6 - Optimised fertiliser application, using "drip fertigation" (an optimum technique comprising combined fertilisation and irrigation on to growing fields).

We hope you found this video useful, and have now learnt about the EBA's, "Biogas Done Right" strategy.

The source of this interpretation of the BDR concept was the downloadable pdf (Position Paper) named "Biogas Done Right in Transport" which is available on the European Biogas Association (EBA) website.

Above all don't forget the point that "Biogas Done Right" can significantly lower carbon emissions to help meet targets to reduce climate change.


This presentation contains images that were used under a Creative Commons License. Click here to see the full list of images and attributions:



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